Title: Ecocity / Bouganville
Sector: Mixed Use Real Estate
Region: Brazil
GDV: US$110m+
Salamanca Group has a controlling interest in Bouganville (Micussi) in Natal, Rio Grande del Norte, Brazil. Bouganville is a sustainable urban development and is one of the first projects in Brazil to be registered for LEED GOLD Neighbourhood Certification. It presents an urban structure focused on pedestrians, landscaped areas and parks. It creates a community as the ideal place to live, work, play with a shopping mall, hospital, commercial buildings and vertical and horizontal condominiums. The Master Plan for Bouganville includes sustainable initiatives, including an integrated transport network (municipal buses, condominium buses and bicycles), renewable energy and integrated water solution. The total site area is approximately 200 hectares of which 50% is Atlantic Rain Forest with a value of over $110 million.