
How to File a Complaint

Salamanca Group values its clients and wants to hear from anyone who has a complaint about any one of our services. To this end we have a dedicated Complaints Officer, and an internal process to follow, for anyone wishing to file a complaint.
Please note that should our internal processes not provide you with a satisfactory outcome, we provide herein below the relevant contact details to the regulatory authorities relevant to the different sectors we provide services in.

1. How to File a Complaint – First Steps
If you have a complaint to file, please follow the process below, and note that there are different delays and procedures to follow depending on the transaction and regulating body are concerned ( for example, The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
1. It is important to provide details of your complaint in writing, so please email or post us a description of your complaint to the coordinates provided below. We encourage you to feel free to call us to discuss, but having the complaint in writing is an important step in the process. We would also ask that you let us know what resolution you are seeking to this complaint.

2. In the complaint, please provide your name and contact information, the details of the investment transaction, project or property matter, the Salamanca Group team member(s) involved, the date of the incident and the details of the incident itself.

If sending a complaint by email, send to:
If sending a complaint by post, send to: Complaints Officer
C/O Salamanca Group
3 Burlington Gardens
London W1S 3EP

If calling to speak with the Complaints Officer, please call on: +44(0)203 763 9568

2.What to Expect after the complaint is filed

FCA Regulated Activities

If your complaint is in relation to any one of our FCA regulated activities, Salamanca Group will advise that we have received your complaint and will provide a written response within eight (8) weeks of having received your complaint.

The response will provide a statement of our understanding of the situation, and our view on what, if any, type of resolution or restitution, should be made.

In some cases, the Complaints Officer may require more time to complete its investigation. If this is the case, we will provide an explanation of this to you, as well as keep you informed as to when completion of the report is expected.

If the complaint is in regard to the Complaints Officer, another senior member of the Salamanca Group will be assigned to manage the formal investigation.

3.What happens if the complaint isn’t resolved after investigation

If, after you have received the report, you don’t feel that the issue has been resolved, you can request that the complaint be escalated to a senior-level employee of the Company for review, who again, was not involved in the matter being complained of.

Please therefore notify the Complaints Officer of this request as soon as possible.

4.Subsequent Steps – Contacting the Regulators

If you are dissatisfied with the response we provide to you, or if you do not hear from us within the allotted delay, you may file a complaint with the appropriate regulator at the addresses below.

FCA Regulated Activities

In matters involving investments or our commercial advisory sector, where the internal steps have not resolved your complaint, or if you wish to better understand your rights, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR

Consumer Helpline: Tel. +44(0)8000234567

Please access the link immediately below for all contact options provided by this service.

For further information on filing a complaint: